Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A correction, and taking further steps to find family

Well, I heard from my cousin Scott. He says Aunt Claudia told him that my dad's ex wife left HIM and took away the boys. He never saw them again, and never knew what happened to them. I didn't realize it was that way, I thought he left them... my mistake.
Realizing though what a violent horrible drunk he could be, maybe it's not hard to understand that she left and took her kids away for safety and sanity sake.
Meanwhile, I've gotten some good SOLID suggestions from Barkingloud on tracking down my family members, if they're alive and have listed information. He suggests that I go on live-map and list each name that I have and write all the addresses down, send a generic type letter to each one, hoping to find a relation, which I'm going to do.
My cousin also reminded me that my Aunt Claudia didn't speak to her mother (my 92 year old Gram) for over 13 years over a fight they had. It took the death of my grandfather and the two of them standing over the grave facing eachother to finally come to terms. After all that time they went back to speaking to eachother as though not time were lost at all.
I asked him to tell Auntie that I wasn't talking about them, or their home or their habits, and ask them to forgive me, just as Jesus says - forgive those that wrong you. We'll see if that flies. I'm not holding my breath. As long as I get to keep my cousin, I guess I'll have to be happy with that. I'd sure like to send her that Ben Harper DVD though, I know she'd enjoy the music on it. I'd also like to know if the CD's I left her work or if they went in the trash. Scott told me that she tossed the letters I sent to her, and likely took me off her incoming E-mail list so she's not getting any e-mails from me. Nice to know I'm in her junk pile.... nice.
Meanwhile, we're going to be taking a trip over the mountain soon to see my brother and his wife and meet the grandson. They haven't seen Fay since she was about a year old, so we'll take the kiddo along to meet her great uncle and second cousin. Can't wait to get over there and see him since his surgery. Bone spurs in his spine were, huh?
Take care all and God Bless!!


At 3:53 AM, Blogger Gattina said...

Ohye, you are still busy with your family story ! Let it be for a while and don't take it so hard ! I am sure with the time it will all get right.Enjoy your stay with your brother instead ! (and don't talk about smoking, lol !)

At 8:10 AM, Blogger paperback reader said...

Alls I can say is that it's tough keeping a family together when there isn't much reason to be together. I spend far more time viewing fictional families on television, mostly because those writers get paid to entertain me and are therefore better at it than my actual family.

Still, I don't have an exciting mystery in my past...that I know of.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Bert Bananas said...

As a curb side address painter, I have access to super secret data bases. Before I access them for you, was your oldest half-brother born Chuck or Charles?

What county and state were Patricia and Chuck, Sr. living in when she left him? One of them must have filed divorce papers (probably her) and the divorce file would be archived on microfilm by now. But if could find the filing, you could get a copy of it, and then you'd have the DOBs of the three boys and then it would pretty much be a cinch. And Patricia's SSN ought to be listed and if you could get that, I could tell you who all her relatives were/are, including her sons.

Oh, yeah, never underestimate curb side address painters...

I'm perfectly serious about this; it's a lot of fun solving these puzzles. You can email me at

But only Jana! The rest of you clowns, back off!

At 5:07 PM, Blogger TN said...

Jana, the is O/T, but which afghan are you wanting directions for? Is it the Prairie Star? I can send you that....Clara


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