Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to go 3,000 miles and insult your whole family!!

Guess what happened when I was in Denver that I only figured out yesterday? I insulted my Aunt and Uncle and its very likely that hell will freeze solid before I hear from them again.

OH NO, you say! However did you do that?? WELLLLL, I have an in-bred talent for being unable to shut UP. I was rattling on about how I refuse to work for smokers or Catholics, because of experiences I have had with both, and I shared a few of my opinions and experiences. Being that I won't clean for smokers because of the yellow stuff all over that's too much work to clean off, and the smell, and because of all the relics and whatnot in "C"'s homes. Guess I should have realized when my Aunt and Uncle were just sitting there with their lips closed that maybe there was something amiss, huh?

Welp, not me. I just yadda-yadda'd on a while longer, there was mutual conversation, then we got up and left for the motel. Hugs and happy times were had by all. Next day we headed home. A month later I'm wondering why my Aunt isn't answering any of my e-mails at all? So I sent my cousin an e-mail and asked him if Aunt's computer is working and he laid me out with a right hook to the jaw (um.. through the e-mail of course). I insulted them personally, religiously, they thought I was snide and brow-beating about smoking, and its very likely I won't be hearing from them until Hell is a solid mass of ice.

So...not only did they feel I was insulting their home being smokers, but that I was insulting their religion too. No - they don't practice, but are baptized all the same. Now, HOW did the sister of my dad and her husband get to be Catholics and I was never told this? How is it in all these years of e-mails she never mentioned that? Why, while I was right there in the house didn't someone say HEY SHUT UP!! WE'RE DOING EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT IN OUR OWN HOME AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THERE'S THE DOOR!! Then I could have said right there, like I've said in TWO letters that I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THEM, THEIR HOME, THEIR RELIGION, OR ANYTHING TO DO WITH DENVER!!!! I was talking about my experiences, my opinions, and MY JOB!!!!! I said in my letter that I felt I was among family and that I could say what I felt like saying, and apologized about 100 times. Do you think I should have sent money too? Flowers? BLOOD???
I didn't tell Chris about this problem because he's going to tell me I TOLD YOU SO about 10,000 times. He of course probably knew I was out of line and said the wrong thing, he just sat over there munching on something and looking bland. The Aunt and Uncle I grew up around would have hauled me out the door by my ear... period.. Ahhh the good old days are past me now.
I'm not sure what to do from here. I'm happy to copy the letters I wrote to my Aunt if anyone wants to critique (critisize) them? Anyone want to make a suggestion other than let it alone for a while? Now that I know I was outta line, that is my plan. I wrote two letters, first to apologize for going on about smoking and to say I was talking about my job, experiences and opinions, and I thought since I was with family I was free to say what I wanted to. Second letter was to apologize for talking about Catholics, and again to say I was talking about my job, experiences and opinions and that I thought since I was with family I was free to say what I wanted to say.
My cousin hoped in his e-mail that I won't wait till I'm 90 to learn to shut up...Ok, I'll try.


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Gattina said...

I think you can't do more than what you did already. But you know with personal opinions it's always a delicate subject. Probably you sounded too agressive and they thought you meant them. Being a smoker (yes !! and I won't stop, yet) I know that some people are very agressive sometimes when it comes to this subject. But I put them in the right place immediately what I would have done with you too, I have my own opinion too. And if my house is yellow all over that's my problem and nobody else's. It's my house and I do in there what I want. The problem with your aunt and uncle was that they just sat there and didn't say anything. That would have been impossible with me ! I can't shut up either ! So the only thing is maybe you could call them once and tell them that they really were not concerned ?

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Beth said...

meh. what can you do?

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Gattina said...

Thanks for your comments ! I visit a lot, but when you are too lazy to write I can't comment, lol ! Little Rosie is a quite easy kitten (so far) she is like a public employee with office hours. She sleeps the whole night without disturbing me at all. She gets up has breakfast and then playtime. Little nap, playtime, little nap playtime. And she plays alone (or with Mr. Gattino of course)She seems to be quite intelligent too. She eats with the others and had no problem to use the litterbox. It's quite funny to see this little thing behaving like an old cat !

At 7:17 AM, Blogger paperback reader said...

I think you should note that part of being Catholic is forgiving sinners who know not what they do.

If that doesn't work, you should say that you forgive them for as many as half of the Crusades, the selling of indulgences, the priest scandals, or any of the other things that cause non-religious people to look askance at The Church.

Or, you can wait until other relatives go to Catholic schools, as I did, where you clearly learn little beyond ways to attack The Church. Then you'll have a quorum, and can say what you want with impunity.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Jana said...

Well, as an update, according to my Cousin Scott, he reminded me that Auntie and her mother didn't speak for over 13 years, and what makes me think she's going to give up the hate for me any sooner?
Well - dogonne it, I wasn't talking about them, their home, their habits, their religion, and I told him exactly what I said (best as I can remember) and exactly what I meant...which isn't always the same thing. He says she won't give it up, and for me to just leave it alone. Well, I asked him today in an e-mail if he'll find out if she wants a copy of that neat Ben Harper DVD that I have and offered to send her when I was in Denver, and asked him to remind her that Jesus says we have to forgive those that wrong us, and since I didn't wrong her on purpose she owes me forgiveness. I won't push anymore after this toward my cousin because I don't want him mad at me too. He's the only one on that side of the family that I have any contact with, we're about 6 months apart in age and I'd really hate to lose touch with him. Somewhere there's a picture of the two of us about 4 years old in the wheelbarrow full of water in Gram's back yard...ahh good times.


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