Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Terrible Two's have begun

Next Stop... Puberty, or is it College? I can already hear that call...Nanna, I need to borrow some gas money... =-)

Well here's Nanna and Missy Fay - she'll be 2 the end of this month.

I tried really hard to change my picture to this one, but for some reason my mind won't follow the instructions Ron gave me last August. Guess I'll try again one day when I'm not sleep deprived.

Princess Fay is a tornado on legs - she twisted me around for almost 12 hours - including waking up in a strange bed this morning at 5 and announcing her discomfort with a shriek. This is going to be the last overnight for a while - much as I LOVE having her here, it's too hard on her to be away from home. I'll go there and stay over if the kids need me to. Saturday night my daughter was working till 11PM and son-in-law was working out of town.

So my I'm feeling OLD and tired today. Dragging around like I've been up for a week instead of only running on 5 hours of very light sleep. Guess I am indeed nearly 45.

She's still not talking a whole lot, she does say a lot of single words, but not making much in the way of sentences yet. I'll be happy when she starts using her words more and stops hitting to show her frustration. We had a real showdown when it was time to leave the park, I needed to use the bathroom and she wanted to keep swinging, so as I'm the bigger and older of the pair, I won the "who'se going in the stroller" argument, but all the time I was strapping her in she was smacking my arm and yelling NO,NO, NO!!!! She IS, however, and on a grandmotherly amazed note- putting her shoes on the right feet by herself already!

Progress is being made in the toilet training department, after she followed me into the bathroom at her house and pulled off her shorts and diaper and demanded to be put on the toilet to "GO PODDY!!", well... there was no prize winning sounds to go along with that, but she wanted paper, used it nearly right, got down, flushed and lowered the lid, then clapped and said YAY!!! So... I gave mommy money for the poddy chair, and even though Amanda isn't thrilled with the task, it IS time, and Nanna's 1 and 2 will be very happy when Fay is off diapers. So will mamma when she's not spending $40 a month on them anymore. Ok - might have some accidents, but heck, even at MY age that happens.. =-).

Ok, I'm dragging myself out to the couch for a couple hours of mumbling and sighing....byenow!


At 6:16 PM, Blogger L. said...

Loved the pictures and stories of your adorable "Princess Fay"!!!

If you think that you feel old and tired at almost 45----just wait until almost 59 which is where I am now!

: )

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Gattina said...

She is really cute and I can understand that she turns you upside down, lol ! I am sure she will be "clean" shortly usually it's around 2 -2 1/2. 40$ salary increase is not bad ! I am back from Turkey since yesterday and found my cats in a very good shape, I am sure Mr. Gattino had fattened them all in my absence especially Arthur who looks now like a round snowball with collar. Turkey is a very beautiful and historical country I have seen a lot. I will write about it the next days. The Internet café I went to there, was funny all men (of course) and they looked at me as if I were ET in person ! A woman and computer and not the youngest one either !

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Beth said...

the pictures are great. she looks like a lot of fun!


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