Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006, the year in review

Well, my 2006 wasn't too bad really... all things considered, and the alternative in mind: (death, homelessness, illness, birth of triplets).

My daughter and her daughter moved back to Wenatchee from Everett, eliminating a 3 hour (and 2 mountain pass) trip for me to see them.
Because they are here, I have been able to see them when I want to, and become closer to both of them, which wouldn't have happened if they were still in Everett. Fay is in great health and coming along pretty good for an 18-month old firecracker!! She's the sun in my heart every day, and I thank God so much for her.

My business has grown, and I've become a lot better business person and housekeeper. The increase was small, but heck, an increase in any amount is forward motion. No clients passed away this year, but two families moved into assisted living housing. Had a few starts and stops, but mostly retained the same clientelle, and had NO bounced checks from clients this year.

Chris and I have been together 6 years this March. Show of hands of people that have been in One relationship with the SAME person (without screwing around with anyone else) for at least that long? Pointing out that it takes a LOT OF WORK to hold a relationship together. Besides, he has been putting up with ME, and my cats for this long.

I enjoyed a relatively healthy year; only a couple small colds, and one migraine (which was my fault for eating potstickers and dipping sauce). Started exercising again now that I'm healed up and feel like I can rebound again -No that's not relationship rebound, that's a round small trampoline devise that you jump on. We hiked some and walked some and took some nice long drives. Ok, and the broken ankle, that was bad, cost me the hiking and camping season, plus I put on 20 pounds sitting around healing up and feeling sorry for myself.

Except for one 24 hour period, our power, phone and kitchen devices have worked all year. We did replace the hot water tank and the bathroom ceiling fan, both of which went T.U. without notice. Chris had one bout of illness that he said anything about all year, otherwise, he has been healthy too. He bought two guitars, one that he had to return because of a broken fret board. The replacement isn't here yet, but he's still hopeful. His parents and grandmothers are in good health, his sister got married in August, and so far seems to be continuing to be happy. The computer has worked well, except for that time when Microsoft insisted we had to change to MS 7.0 software, since we're on dialup, it took DAYS to download. Chris refuses to go modern and get a DSL, and I do tend to agree, after all if we could download better and faster, we'd just be on the computer more than we are already.

My 91 year old grandmother is still in remarkable health(my dad's mother). She is healing up from her second broken hip, but heck at her age, who hasn't broken something? She has forgiven me (or at least is talking to me), and for that I am very very grateful indeed. My aunt and uncle are still in good health too, and my Gram is staying with them while she's healing up, how's that for a great daughter?? I "met" Ron Franscell (Under The News) and have enjoyed two of his excellent books, the new one "Fall" is in my bookshelf just waiting for me to stop wandering around for a while and pick it up!! He's a good friend of my Gram's too by the way.

Guess we have to talk about these cats. No changes in count or health in the past year. Benjamin has really become the domesti-kitty. He was up in my lap licking ice cream tonight. Now, he's up on my bed (no not allowed, but of course he is #1 cat). From the skinny wild and sick little comanche that was mooching food just 3 years ago, he has grown into a very handsome sleek and fat black kitty with a serious love for his MA, as he calls me. He even tried to cuddle up with Bud in the chair the other night, but Bud had a screaming flipping fit, and so Benny slunk away, dejected. Bud and Shadow are the middle kids and doing fine. Sassy the oldest at 13 is still mean and holds her own in a fight for the favorite chair.

Looking forward to 2007, already there have been a couple highlights. Amanda's useless man is going down the road finally. He met someone and is suddenly unhappy and needs his space. I wish I could send him to the moon. Jesus please help me to be helpful and forgiving and shut up and let You to do Your good works in Your own time, and thank You for sending that man out of my daughter's life. Chris found a sofa he likes and we're going to order it in the next couple days, it's L shaped from the Sera Company and a dark brown/red color. I'm excited, we both get a couch!! Hopefully Gatina is back from her holiday and had a great time in Egypt. Maybe we'll hear from Mrs. Angry someday soon too. I'm always thinking of Claudia and praying for her health and strength to stop smoking. Hoping Grammie had a great holiday season and has some new pics of Owen to share, I haven't been blog-reading for a while, been busy getting through the end of the year, and jacking my own jaw right here! Take care!!!


At 4:33 PM, Blogger Moobear said...

Thank you Jana for your prayers. I wish 2007 the very best for you hon and all your family and loved ones. Take care. Love ya.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger L. said...

Thanks for the mention in your blog today...I'm sorry for what your daughter and granddaughter are going through. I'm glad that you are nearby for them...

Pictures of Owen? ALWAYS posting them when I get updates! : ) : ) : )

Happy 2007 to you, Jana...I hope that it is a good one for you and your family.


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