Saturday, November 18, 2006

Much Ado about a lot of things

Well, what a weekend we're having!
I've been invited to switch to Beta Blogger... I'm not sure, but I'm thinking about it. The information says that you have to sign up for a Google account, but I already have a Yahoo e-mail address, and I don't want any others, too confusing for me. Guess I'll have to go ask someone out there that may know the deal?

Otherwise, missy Fay was here this weekend, and boy am I pooped after hauling her through the house repeatedly in the laundry basket with my robe rope tied on it. She needs a wagon really bad!!! Otherwise, she played the drums with Chris for a little bit, and danced and boogied to the beat after she left the music room. She's quite musically oriented, and I'm sure it won't be long till we give her her own set of drum sticks and some baby ear-protectors of her own!! She's so sweet, and nothing I find so soothing as the sweet smell of her sleeping next to me, and the soft sighs in her sleep. Now, those feet kicking me in the back...that could stop!! She ate really good, loves grandma's homemade pancakes for breakfast along with banana's. Much as I enjoy her point-and-grunt style of communicating, I'm looking forward to her learning more words. I work with her by telling her the name of everything I can, and talking to her alot. She got her first experience with horses today, we took her on a long walk - ok we walked and pushed her in the stroller. Well, we stopped to give the horses a couple handsful of grass, and she was just amazed, even willingly reached out for a touch, but the horses shied away since there wasn't anything in her hand, next time we'll remember the carrots.

Also, the mystery of the afghan with no directions has been solved. Long ago I think I mentioned that I used to work in clothing manufacture, and learned how to make coats and pants from the sample, to the pattern, to the cut-out pieces, to the finished product....Well, that is kinda what had to happen with this finished afghan. I asked my Aunt and dear Clara from Tennessee if either recognized the pattern or perhaps knew someone that might... well they both did their best, and Clara was even kind enough to send me some patterns. What I ended up having to do was take the sample to a crochet instructor here in town. She was able to figure out the pattern and wrote it down for me, even spent an hour showing me how to do it!! So, I typed the instructions out, sent them out to Clara and my Aunt, then sat down to follow my own instructions with some scrap yarn, and discovered a major flaw in the process, and re-did my notes and re-sent them to Aunt and Clara. Now I'm sure I can break out that $5.00 a skein yarn and make a pretty nice finished product. I told Chris I spent $85 on yarn for 2 afghans (this one shell/ripple and another rainbow colored one for Fay), he didn't even sniff, just said hobbies are priceless. Yeah, we'll see how priceless hobbies become when I tell him I want 2 sewing machines and a room to conduct my hobbies in!! Move that guitar over!

The yearly "What are you doing for the holidays" questions are about to start, and I have trouble figuring out how to respond. I believe in Jesus, and I follow him thankfully every day of my life.. but I don't celebrate the December 25th version of Christmas, because it's a bunch of hoo-haw designed by merchants to depleat their merchandise so they don't have to inventory and pay taxes on it. I refuse to stress, and go broke in honor of Jesus, and I'm not going to give other people presents on His birthday. Would you give your son a present on your mother's birthday? Do you give presents on George Washington's birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s? I have been told the tradition of presents comes from the wise men giving presents to Jesus. Ok, fine, I give Jesus 3 presents every day: my love, honor, and loyalty. I don't know what day Jesus was born on, though I firmly believe his birth was in the springtime, late March, early April, I celebrate His birth every day, and I celebrate the fact that he died and was resurrected after 3 days, and that thanks to him, I am re-born every day, new and free of the sins of the day before. Besides, here's the big question: If you only give people gifts on the 25th of December, if you only stop the wars and killings and horrors of this world on the 25th of December, what happens if you die on the 24th?

Next, we're running away next weekend, going 8 hours south to the Oregon Coast, a neat little resort town called Lincoln City, you can Google that and see what I so enjoy about it. We stay right on the beach in a very nice place with full kitchens and great views of the ocean. Last year when we stayed there in the winter time we got to see whales, and I'm going prepared with binoculars and a zoom lens on the camera. We saw killers and humpbacks, and I'm so hoping for another show this year!! We're very odd people, we take our own food and cook on vacation. Chris's dad gave us such heck about that last time, said that vacation is time to relax, not cook and do dishes! They went to the casino and he got food poisoning from the restaurant there, spent all the rest of his vacation in the bathroom, and he wasn't too happy about it.
Since it's only been 3 months since I broke my ankle, I'm not sure I'll be up for any 10 mile hikes, but a couple short ones will be nice. There are some wonderful, amazing and exciting places to hike right within a short drive from L.C. Plus just a walk on the beach reminds me just how small I am in this big universe, and how much I rely on Jesus to keep me safe every day.
This is how we spend holidays: not catering to a bunch of ungrateful people that suck up all the food, swill all the booze and start fights in the living room. Then complain because the gift doesn't fit, or don't like it anyway and return it after all my hard work and stress and expense getting it!!!
Hey, THERE'S my answer, we're relaxing for the holidays!!


At 11:42 PM, Blogger Gattina said...

Again (sigh) ! Such a long post ! can't you cut it in pieces and post a sentence every day ? Now I HAVE to do the work for you !

Point one : Switching to Beta, I still would wait until it's not Beta anymore, for once I follow my hubbies opinion. But ! I created a blog in Beta, only for me to fool around with it and just see what you can do with it. If you are interested in creating all kind of colors and stuff on your template it's nice, but for only (!) writing people, it must be the same as where you are so why to switch ? Once in a blue moon, we have all to switch.

point two : I see you are joining the grandma's slaves to their grandchildren (jalous smile)

point three : My son ( 5) resumed Jesus life in one sentence : Jesus died and three days later he was still alive !

point four your ยง about "afghan". I thought you were talking about a dog !

point. five : Wonderful that you also go on holidays that's the best during this fatten time. But I agree to your Dad (in or out law) I would never ever cook during holidays ! Even at home I am far too lazy.

So, see !!!!!! That makes 5 posts instead of one loooooooong !

At 6:33 PM, Blogger L. said...

Have a very relaxing holiday....!
Take care,
Grammie : )

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Moobear said...

happyblue is correct, but the gmail accounts are by invitation only, so if you got an invitation for gmail, then you are good to go.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Gattina said...

Accumulating subjects for another 2 miles long post in two weeks he, he, he ?

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Gattina said...

I am sure you have wonderful holidays and will come back like new born !

I have a proposition to make if you could read it on
Have got this idea yesterday going from Blog to Blog for Thursday 13 group !

I thought you may like the idea, as you love your cats and have surely a lot to tell !


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