Friday, December 29, 2006


Well, our neighbor dog started in at 6AM today, yap-yap-yap... It's now 6:50 and she's still at it. If not for the 2 feet of snow outside and the fact that I'm still in my PJ's, I'd be out there now pounding on their stupid door and making sure they know just how unhappy I am about the dog.

How is it that someone with a barking dog IN THEIR YARD can't hear it?? Why do people let their dogs go on and on and on outside like that?? Is there some STUPID gene that people are born with that allows them to somehow not HEAR the dog barking 10 feet from the back door?

Now, don't get me wrong, please. I truly like dogs, have had them all my growing up life. Just because I don't have any now doesn't mean I don't like them. Where I have the issue is in poor owners who don't control the animals. Dogs that bark, poop all over or threaten people (like the doberman of the drug dealers that live a few houses down). Last winter I saw an unleashed dog on the beach chase down and attack a small poodle type dog that was on a leash. The owners of the unleashed on - fat, non-english speaking people - just yelled and pointed at the doggie over their hot dogs and soda pops. Finally after the attack was over, the fat guy picked up the attacking dog and carried it back to somewhere it could be locked in. Hopefully the people in the motel room didn't mind the barking. The woman with the poodle just carried it off, hopefully it survived and wasn't damaged too badly.

Meanwhile, we're still getting snowed on, and the city is behind in removal of said snow. There is a berm in the middle lane of most major roads through the city, which cuts down road availability and makes for more traffic jams, and more headaches of course. My favorite subject - Cell Phones!! - comes into play here again. How is it that someone driving on ice and snow feels they have the skills to maneuver one-handed while yapping to someone on the phone? Of course it's 99% young people who don't have the skills to tie their shoelaces let alone handle anything fast and heavy like a car. The Seattle news yesterday showed a dozen wrecks because of the black ice and fog. Damage location? Front ends... gee does that mean the driver was following too close and couldn't control the slide into the rear of the car 2" in front? Wonder why.

Oh, and the dog is still barking...Happy New Year.


At 9:51 PM, Blogger Justin said...

A very Happy New Year from me n my pets too! Hope u've a wonderful 2007

At 12:09 AM, Blogger BarkingDogATLAS said...

Add your neighbor's pest to the barking dog atlas:


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