Sunday, January 04, 2009

Reasons to be greatful in this life

Today, I'm smiling. I spent several hours alone with Amanda yesterday, and try as I might, I couldn't remember the last time we spent ALONE time together. It was pretty nice, indeed, even though we were cleaning a VERY VERY nasty house. She hired me for her client, and paid me when the job was over. At least its over for now - the carpet has to be replaced, there's serious plumbing and electrical work to do.... and the State people to pass inspection, then it'll need a buff-up and then he can go home. Maybe. Another long story there.
Meanwhile, Fay is growing and changing and amazing to me. I miss her terribly because she's been spending so much time with daddy's family. The cousins are all in town for the holiday school's out break and staying with other grandma. I miss her, but would never ask to take her away from her cousins, at least not till spring when the garden is in bloom and Fay wants to be out here with us. Hurry Spring!
Chris and I are doing OK. We've gotten to spend extra awake time together with the holiday breaks from work and snow days. I'm always amazed to realize we get a long a lot better when we're on vacation together. We're starting out 8th year together. I hope we'll get to do a 50th anniversary some day.
Work wise, I'm still a necessity for most of my clients. Mrs. A's daughter has forced her to move into assisted living. I don't imagine she'll live long after she leaves her home of over 50 years. Her husband died in April, and though Mrs. A is doing alright, she is a shut-in, and is beginning at 92 to need extra help. She could afford easily to hire a live-in help, but won't do it- she wants to leave all that money to her ungreatful unvisiting uninvolved freaking grandkids and great grandkids. I hope so much that she lives long enough to spend all her money on an assisted living place - screw them all. Monday, I'll be placing an ad in the paper for work. It's hard to get work in the winter, but heck who knows? Never hears to advertise.
Meanwhile, 2008 is over. We didn't lose a dime in the stock market crunch (aka the market adjustment). Neither of us lost our jobs or were forced to shoot-to-defend our homes, food stocks or livestock. Our health was good, I lost weight, our comittment to better eating has paid off. The best part of having older clients is the lessons they can pass on to me about their time in their 40's, and what they were doing then - that put them in their current health in their 80's and 90's. The cats are all doing well. Ruby is growing and thriving and officially too big to weigh. She and Ben are great friends. The other old ladies hiss and smack and ignore, right up till Ruby is chasing and hitting and biting, then they run. It's been kinda fun having a baby in the house. Amanda and I had a couple really rough spots this year. Having a child so near your own age makes it very hard to be a mother. I hope we have hit a neutral zone and we can remain friends. I like being her friend so much better than fighting with her.
For 2009, I hope to get in more backpacking trips. I need too to find someone to stay out here while we're gone in June on vacation. Chris said he won't leave Ruby without someone to stay out here. Of course his next sentence is that the garden won't survive - which is the truth, but his first concern is that silly black cat... bitch.
Happy New Year everybody.

What's important is that we spent time alone. No Fay, no phones, no velcro baby friends... just us. Two women helping out a shut-in


At 5:32 PM, Blogger L. said...

Thanks for visiting....I just did some catching up on your blog....

You have an adorable granddaughter...and soooo grown up!
I loved seeing the pictures!

Take care!


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