Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ruby is healing fine.

She had a nasty big absess in her neck. The vet used local anesthetic and lanced and drained all the goo out. She's on antibiotics for a week. What makes me upset is that they traumatized her more to get that absess drained than I think warranted. Plus they clipped ALL her claws which greatly reduces her ability to play Flying Walenza..

The trip to the vet for her was a huge dramatic trauma. All day Friday and Saturday she refused to let me hold her. She ran every time I reached to her, wouldn't play or anything. She did talk to and play with Chris fortunately... she was only mad at me for taking her to the vet! Well, that and since she refused to let me hold her I had to wrap her in a blanket to give her the BANANA flavored antiboitics from the vet. (Now WHY would a company flavor something for cats with a taste that cats hate?? How about a cat food flavor? The other antibiotic before Clavomox tasted like bubble gum... wonder if cats like that taste?)

Anyway...Ruby has decided I'm OK again. She played with me most of the night and a good bit of today as well. Her neck is healing up fine. She's eating fine, and playing hard again, so all is well. I fixed those rotton cats too, all of them got their nails clipped. And for all his posturing and hissing, Benjamin has begun to play with Ruby. He was chasing her around the sofa, but then it seemed to turn into a game, just for a minute, till he realized he was being watched, then he hissed and ran... Cats are very odd.


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