Friday, December 12, 2008

Who's going to bail me out???

How come all you need is a BIG HUGE EMPTY pocket... and someone from the white house will come fill it up for you???

Why won't someone fill up MY empty pocket with no strings attached?
I have another question? How come the gas companies aren't being forced to bail out the auto companies??????? HHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
Why is it that the bastards can take BILLIONS AND BILLIONS in profit while the object of their affection - the automobile -- is in deep shitolees because gas prices went through the ceiling.
Amazingly - by the way.. gas is cheaper now than it was 5 years ago!!!!!! I'm amazed completely.
But - the auto makers want someone to fix their booboos, but they have all this concession money to make more-efficient cars=-- why aren't they using that money to bail themselves out?
WHY isn't BIG OIL forced to fix BIG AUTo's problem??
If I ran BIG AUTO.... the next freaking car would run on rat crap. No money to the Big Oil at all - fuck em.
Ok - getting off my soap box - thanks for listening.


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