Monday, November 12, 2007

Who thought up that stupid holiday anyway?

Here is a place to go and find out where EVERY SINGLE holiday started.
I wondered where Thanksgiving started, and found this site had some good information about it. I KNEW that T-giving was a politially based holiday, figured it was started by turkey farmers with the help of politicians to give them something to do with all those stupid birds they were raising. By the way, in Montana, when the turkey crosses the road, the locals just run them over...this is a picture from our vacation in May, we tourists had to stop and take a picture of a turkey.

According to this site:"Thanksgiving was erratically recognized until 1827 when Sarah Joseph Hale started a campaign to make it a national holiday. She was the editor of the Boston's Ladies Magazine at the time. Finally at her persistence, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it a national holiday in on October 3, 1863. He set the date as the last Thursday in November."

Ok, so all that stress and cost and BS going on in YOUR house is the fault of some damn woman who wanted a holiday, and her insessant bitching to President Lincoln that lead to it.

As for me - I don't do it. I'm thankful every single day, not just the last Thursday in November. Hell, what if I were to die on the day before? Would I have wasted all the chances to be thankful all year just because the holiday hadn't come and I wasn't seated around the table with a bunch of free-loaders who just showed up to pig out and leave the mess for me?? My daughter does the big feed with her man's family - somewhere around 25 of them all circled around the feed trough, each telling something they are thankful for.

I'd something like: I'm thankful the HIV test was negative, or I'm thankful for Depends, or I'm thankful the Russian Roulette tournament ended in a tie (the gun jammed), or I'm thankful that my bra-fitting was so successful, I'm thankful the wire on the breathalizer hooked to my car broke off so I could get here tonight, I'm thankful the pregnancy test was negative, I'm thankful the DNA test showed that little Shalomar's daddy isn't OJ Simpson, I'm thankful the camera at the bank was broken, I'm thankful for vaginal itch relief cream....

HEY, what are YOU thankful for????????????

Friday, November 09, 2007

Zippy and the Vunder-Cop!!

Notice that bubble machine in the rear view mirror? Ok, this isn't the shot from today, but it is the shot I have of being stopped for speeding during our trip through Wyoming, Chris was driving, and BOY HOWDY was I glad it was him and not ME doing 90.

Anyway, tonight, on the way home, going 49 down a dark country road... I noticed suddenly two cars off the side of the road, and just about a half second before it dawned on me that it was TWO SHERIFF'S CARS running radar, it was TOO DAMN LATE, I was nabbed!!!!!!!!

Well, the truth of the matter is, that 35 MPH speed zone is too damn slow for my taste, but I try to follow the rules, being a good citizen and all that crap, but I had been in 5PM traffic and its 10 miles to my house, and DAMMIT I had to pee!!!!! So I was zipping along hoping to make it home before I wet my pants.

I told OFFICER A-hole that I was hurrying because I had to pee, so for some reason, he just slooowwwwedddd doooowwwwwwnnnn. Took him literally 10 minutes to write me a ticket for speeding. Then to prove his superiority, he followed me almost all the way home to assure himself I wasn't going to speed anymore tonight on the rest of the 1/2 mile trip to my house.!!!!

GRRRRRRRRRRR~!! I was so supremely upset by this situation I didn't even look at the ticket, I just took my stuff from the officer's hand and started my car and drove away, wet britches and all. Asshole.

After I got home, got changed, cleaned up the mess...yaddayadda. I looked at the ticket, $154 for 49 in a 35. I have 3 options: pay the fine, request a hearing to explain WHY I was breaking the law, or request a hearing and explain why I wasn't breaking the law. I'll go for option #2, since there's no option to kick that A-hole officer in the leg for detaining me like some illegal alien with a suspended license, expired plates and a car-full of unseatbelted kids.

I'll simply tell the nice judge that I was hurrying home to keep from peeing my pants, and thanks to the officer and his intentional detention... I didn't.

My darling daddy would have said to me "it's way better than to be pissed off, than pissed on". Thanks Pop, appreciate it even 4 years after your death I can hear your snicker.