Quick update for those of you following along
I've received two e-mails from Howard's - not relatives. I mailed out 10 letters and have received 2 negative responses. Still waiting on those other 8 before I mail out anymore letters. Guess Howard is a common name and there's a lot of Charles, Marks and Rons out there. I do have another clue to follow up on however; a video tape of a Mark Howard that might be my half brother. He was interviewing someone on a small television station in Terrebone Oregon, my mom saw the program and wrote the station and they sent her a copy of the show on video. I will be writing/e-mailing the station and seeing if Mark still works there and if by some chance we're related.
I feel like there's only so far I can go, but I'll go there so at least I can say I tried.
Still getting the silent treatment from dear Auntie in Littleton. I can just see her over there, knowing she's wrong, but having her arms crossed and her lip out...Won't give in, will stand there till hell freezes solid. Well -good for her. She's the one that will lose out - not me.
I cut back on some work hours- I have two Monday's off this month and I'm really looking forward to days off during the week. The change in hours is going to cost less in monetary damage than it will benefit me in physical down time from work, so it's a win/win on the benefits and bullshit analysis program.
Well - back to my big day, take care all.
I'd gladly pass off a few of my relatives if you need spares...
Pistols, thanks, I don't want your relatives, I want MY relatives. I want to know if the Howard's that were raised by someone other than my drunken volitile semi-there father are as screwed up as those of us that were--are.
As I'm approaching 45 I'm beginning to feel the need to find some blood relatives...
I guess its the female version of a mid-life crisis. In stead of having an affair with some hot intern from the steno-poole, or buying a Corvette and driving to Hawaaii (there's a trick!!), I'll try to find some hi-foreheaded Howard clan members and see if they're sobers or drunkers.
What the hell - it's keeping me off the streets - sometimes..
I don't know that I can support your entirely healthy approach to getting older. If you could just throw an occasional barfight in there, maybe I can get on board.
Barfights? Well, no, I'm sorry to say I've never been in a barfight. I figured out I wasn't a good candidate for the bar scene, wanting to find a steady decent hardworking male with all his teeth and no trunkful of baggage, or ex-wife body parts.
Though there were a few nights spent in the company of less than desireable males. A couple in fact, I woke up with the man in question sleeping on MY arm, and I thought I'd have to chew my arm off rather than wake him up... ewwwwwwwww. Not only women turn from 10's to 2's in the morning light!!!
Spent quite a while swimming in Tequila bottles and bong water. I had to decide to either give up that lifestyle or chase my parents down the short road of life.
They did me the supreme favor of avoiding having to put them in nursing homes or hire in-home care, or God Help Me, change their Depends... I plan to stay around a REALLY REALLY long time and be a very large burden to my daughter and her husband. 'Course her response to that is that when the day comes that she determines I'm too old to care for anymore, she's going to wheel me and my wheelchair out onto the highway... BYE BYE MAMA!!!
And people wonder why some animals eat their young...
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