Sunday, August 06, 2006

Darn computers anyway...

Well, I'm trying to get a photo downloaded to my profile, but as I'm slow when it comes to computers and programs and whatnots, I'm not having any luck. Yes, I did get that picture of me and the Columbia River downloaded, lucky me!! Today all attempts were answered by a "failure to download" screen... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
But what I'm after is one photo permanently there when I comment to other blogs or someone actually comes onto my blog and wants to know what my face looks like!!!
Though for the most part I'm stuck in the 70's when it comes to techology, I can (and do) use a computer, ATM, CD player, DVD player. I don't; however, try to program anything on the computer, I leave that to Chris. See, he's 8 years younger than me and much more versed in computers, plus he's way more brave than I am, I'm always afraid of breaking something, or having the screen blip and then go blank (yes, that's happened).
SOOOO... I'm hoping someone who might actually read my blog will take pity on me and speak ENGLISH and give me directions to download a photo to my profile. In the days to come my 13 month old granddaughter Fay will be the programmer. It is my sincere belief that these new kids will not be taught to write, only to use a keyboard. Probably won't be long before those keyboards will be obsolete and we'll simply speak to the computer (like on the Jetsons) and IT will happen.
Doubtful that's what God had in mind when He said "Let there be light and It was so..."


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Ron Franscell said...

OK, here's a good way to get a photo into your profile. It needs to have a URL -- an Internet address.

The easiest way to do that is to post your photo as if you were posting it to your blog. In other words, it'll appear as a blog post.

Then go to the EDIT POST area and click on the HTML form of the posting. It will show your photo as a bunch of coding.

Copy the coding. Paste it into the box in your Profile editor. Save and republish.

When the photo appears in your profile, go back and delete the blog posting that has the original picture. Voila!

Here's the instructions from Blogger


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