The war and its effect on cell phone usage
Well, there are lots of bloggers going on about the war, the loss of lives, the innocent children hurt, killed, and orphaned. Still more are going on about the 9/11 conspiracies (yes, I have some strong opinions about that, but another day). I want to have some intelligent conversation about these horrific subjects, but sadly, I'm not going to be able to.
Why? you wonder? well, I don't take a paper, we don't have cable, and I only listen to CD's in my car. WHY! you wonder? well, because I'm not willing to take the paper in our little-bitty crap town, and the cable got to be so expensive (and it was 100 channels of channel-surfing most the time anyway), and the radio stations only seem to play the weather and who needs your money or donations on a local basis. AM I AN ostrich with my head in a hole? NO WAY!! I read a couple of educated person's blogs, and hear from a republican buddy of mine for news and information, I read the web news too. (educated blog #1 - Under the News)
DO I CARE that innocents are killed? Absolutely I care, and I cry for the orphans and the childless mothers. I feel bad for the parents of US soldiers killed over there, but lets face it, they are going over there of their own volition, there's no draft, and no conscripting going on. It is my belief that it's all about oil in the end. Some day it will all come out, and you can say you read it on Get Off The Phone!!
Meanwhile, in this itty bitty spitty town I live in, nearly every car on the road has a driver with a cell phone in his/her ear. The driver is so wrapped in his/her phone call that he/she is unaware of the road underneath them or the 10,000 pound death machine they are winging around one-handed (or less if they are also smoking, drinking coffee, reading or applying makeup-- YES in a moving vehicle).
IIIII don't own a cell phone. I usually have both hands on the wheel, unless I'm one finger saluting one of you one(or less) handed drivers out there. I grew up in the days when drinking and driving was less common than it is today, but way less costly in lives and damage than these damn phones. Remember Princess Dianna and that beautiful model Elle (although Elle didn't die, she darn near did). Check with your insurance companies and find out how much money their company is making on higher rates due to the dangers of cell phone use and driving. You know what's my new biggest pet peeve (aka pisses me OFF!) seeing police driving city/state vehicles while using a cell phone - and driving one-handed. Shouldn't they have headsets?!!!???????
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