Saturday, August 05, 2006

The bike ride today

This photo is of the Columbia River, a few miles from our home, that's me over there.
Well, Chris and I dragged out the bicycles today for a run around the neighborhood. We live out in the countryside and enjoy the quiet of the country roads - you can hear birds and see some actual wildlife out there among the houses. Anyway, we stopped down at the pond to see the baby trout and bass - when some YAHOO in his SUV pulls in, jumps out (yes he's on a FREAKIN cell phone), gets out the fishing pole and the tackle box and the little daughter he brought to go fishing with. He continues talking on the phone while he's rigging up the pole for his daughter.
Does he get OFF the phone so he can enjoy some quiet fishing with his child? NOOOO !!! He does the elephant trunk(put your arm up along your face to hold your cell phone to your ear) to the watercasts the line out, and puts the pole in a holder all the time telling someone on the phone where they are and what they're doing. No, it wasn't the little woman, she was in the SUV with a small baby, eventually she got out and wandered up to the edge of the water.
Well, I finally dragged Chris away, snorting lets go somewhere where we can get away from the phone!! OH MY FREAKING GOD! Can't even go to a fishing pond without someone on the cell phone!
Those of us that were teens in the 70's (1980 high school graduate here), remember the corded phones, corded TV remotes, days even before pagers!! Yes, I listened to Journey, in fact still have an old vinyl or two of theirs and one of Michael Jackson with dark skin and a nose!!! I miss those byegone days when life was simple and phones were at home where they belong!

WHY are you (and you know who you are) so freaking important that you have to be constantly in touch? Don't you miss being anonymous? Alone? Out of reach?


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